Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nov 30, 2010 - Mr. Lobb is not here this period! Help!

EMS30 Stuff to do today! (CCLab is booked for first half)

1. Finish your quiz questions for Mr. the Lobb and email, post to blog or set on the desk.
2. Prepare for that quiz, which will be tomorrow (Wednesday)
3. If you had short answers only on your quiz questions, add a few longer answer questions and answers to upgrade your mark from 3-
4. If you are one of those people who OWES ME WORK, DO IT NOW AND GET IT DONE! You know who you are. I will start pulling people from class to do work in the office starting tomorrow. Then, I start calling home, etc. DON'T MAKE ME DO THAT.
5. If you are finished your test material, and don’t owe me anything, then you should move on to the following:
a) Spend some time coming up with 3 pitches for a new TV show.
They can be reality shows, sitcoms, one-hour dramas or whatever, but I am looking for three concepts that you think would work and be original, interesting shows. Briefly describe the concept for each, and any other important info about each – main character, setting, etc
b) Come up with a good LOGLINE for each.
The following are examples of could-be loglines for current television shows:

"Aspiring singers will compete in a nationwide talent search on live television where they will face the often unfair scrutiny and sarcasm of a panel of judges before one is finally branded the "American Idol", receiving a recording contract." - American Idol

"A likeable husband's tolerance and marriage is tested by the constant intrusion of his overbearing parents and dim-witted brother" - Everybody Loves Raymond

b) For each, briefly describe the target audience you would be hitting.
c) At least ONE of the shows you come up with should be a fictional show (a sitcom or one-hour drama) and for those, you should consider:
• Location: Work? Home? School? Jail? Some combination?
• Social structure: One star (e.g., Chuck, The Mentalist, ), more stars (e.g., The Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, Gossip Girl )?
• Personalities: A rich, snotty society girl? A struggling smartass student? You need to create a fine balance of having people that are realistic enough for the audience to identify with, yet are different enough from each other to allow for interesting dramatic encounters.
• Situations: What kind of things do the characters go through? Seinfeld dealt with the stupid little things in daily life, The Walking Dead is about fighting the zombie apocalypse and The Simpsons goes for pure laughs.

How Do I get a Level Four?

- be original – come up with something that isn’t exactly like everything else – combine two or more show ideas that are already happening into something new and crazy, for example
- be thorough – give details that show that you’ve really thought this through – I don’t NEED to see a lot on settings, possible episode storylines, character relationships or comparisons with existing TV shows, but these kinds of details take your work further
- presentation – putting this on your blog instead of handing it in written on paper in pencil would make it look much more pro – ESPECIALLY if you included some pics of possible cast members and other kinds of multimedia examples

This is a good opportunity to come up with the dream show that you’ve always wanted to see. Go nuts and be rewarded. I can’t promise that I will make that show, but I will say “good job!” and how awesome is that?

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