Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dec 2, 2010 - Details on TV Project

Today's TV Project Labours – 

You do realize that this HAS to be IN before we get too much further, right?
1. Title of Show
2. Logline (one sentence sum up of the show)
3. Paragraph of description – details, maybe story reference, etc)
4. Paragraph describing the Target Audience
(Rinse and repeat X 3)
Next Step:
Once you get a show okayed by me, Mr. the Lobb, then go on to the do the pattern I give you later

How I Level 4?

- surprise me by combining ideas that don't make an immediate connection - JerseyTracker - the two horsemen from Mantracker will be hunting the cast of Jersey Shore (with paintball guns)
- going for a harder type of show (sitcom or a one hour drama)
- giving more details that will go into your final when you choose one
- describing characters, settings, storyline ideas

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