Monday, November 1, 2010

November 1, 2010 - Ad Campaign Project

Ad Campaign Project

Due in the next week. BEFORE the Mid-term report cards. Or, you can have a low mark.
1. Come up with an original and fun product (that you make up yourself)
2. Describe the product in a one-page cover letter to me, Mr. The Lobb, in which you give me a “pitch”. (three paragraphs)
3. Come up with a Campaign Strategy (a paragraph or two)
4. Create a script for a TV ad for the product- 1 page
5. Create a target audience description (maybe a page)

How Do I Get Level 4?

- design a product that solves a problem that some target group has – even if the problem is ridiculous and not important – ie I Want to Fit in With This Peer Group!
- Your script refers to some of those manipulation tricks we discussed
- You campaign indicates that you have an overall plan to follow that uses the strategies of hooking people, attracting attention, etc
- Good use of language, spelling, grammar
- Follow the structure that we learn in class – ie the TV ad script, the pitch letter.
- Creativity (interesting, new, fresh way of doing something, surprises me)
- Done well – presentation and effort is obvious

What is a Pitch Page? 

A three-paragraph business letter in which you excite someone about your idea, project, product or whatever.

First paragraph!
- will introduce your product and make it sound exciting with a few dramatic claims
- eg – Tom’s Armpit Sauce is twice as funky as our leading competitor! (this is a claim)

Second Paragraph!!
- this is where you tell a bit about why this product is necessary – what problem does it solve? Who needs it? Why do they want it?
- Link the product with a daily use, a need, an audience
- Eg Chocolate Chimp cookies are the perfect afterschool snack for those spindly children who need more protein but only want to eat junk food – moms are worried about their children getting healthy food, but kids love the taste of these meaty, chocolatey cookies

Third Paragraph!!!
- compare it with some competitors – what is out there that is like it, and why is this more suitable or better –
- what separates it from the competition

If you really want Level 4, you can add this:

Product Design and Components
- any drawings, scientific data about the product, how it used, etc
- if you actually make the product, that is good for a super bonus and I will wear it around for a day (unless it is saucy)

Campaign Strategy
-this is where you describe how you will manipulate your audience in specifics
- will you use a celebrity?
- will you use sexual imagery?
- will you use before and after?
- will you use science and numbers?
- describe how and then explain why you make those choices
eg – We’re going to use Katy Perry in the ad campaign we’re planning
- we describe how we use her, why we use her, what the effect will be, etc
- be detailed here – “show all your cards”

Target Audience Description
- Two parts to this element
Part 1 – demographics
- give me a list of data about your product’s target market – the people who will buy X
- what kind of data? –
- age, race, where they live, hobbies, interests, religion, type of clothing they buy, bands they like, foods they prefer, etc
- Part 2 – A Day In The Life
- Describe a day in the life of your Typical Audience Member – make up a fake person who has the attributes you want in a perfect buyer
- Tell me about that person’s day – describing what they do, who they do it with, where they go, etc
Eg = Tammy wakes up at 6:30 to her iPod playing Katy Perry song “
- she spends 55 minutes getting ready with these products
- she eats PopTarts and drink coca cola for breakfast
- she walks to school with her best friend talking about the latest clothes from The Gap


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This project was awesome. Make more projects for those who are a creative genius.
