Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nov 25, 2010

Things We Owe:
1. Ad Campaign (NOW)
2. 3 Rock Performer Profiles - blog them plz
3. Music Quiz Made By YOU. On Thursday you will come up with 10 questions and Friday we will enquizzify you with my choices from your questions. I will mark your questions and then we will mark the quizzes together
1. List three shows that you like.
2. Explain one reason each why you like each show.
3. List three shows you do not like or watch.
4. Explain one reason each why you do not like or watch each show.
5. Estimate how much you watch TV in a regular weekday and then a weekend day.
6. Quickly do the same for your parents. (1 each)
7. WHY do you like the shows you chose? Be very specific and try to think about what attracts you to the shows you like.

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