Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 27, 2010 - Advertising Gets Manipulative

How Did Advertising Get So Manipulative?
-    the world was much different than today
-    a time when advertising started to get serious and ad companies started using new ideas to “work people over”
A Couple of Preconditions
-    in order to know how ads changed in the 50s, it helps to know a bit about that time
-    Post World War II – people were in shell-shock over that war, people were still afraid to spend money and be wasteful, people were used to saving and being resourceful
-    After those years of being thrifty, people weren’t spending and this was a problem, so thought the gov’t and corporations
-    The economy works on spending by the people – if they don’t buy, the economy stalls – after the war, the gov’t wanted to get things rolling, keep the economy strong
-    Advertising became a way of making the people buy stuff to get the economy moving
Another precondition
-    technology was starting to boom in the 50s
-    list a few things: TV, early computers, many kitchen appliances, cars, vacuums, stuff that was handy and household, etc
-    stuff that makes life easier and more modern feeling
Last precondition
-    Baby Boomers – this is a big point
-    1947 – 1961 – a HUGE boom in births
-    these kids were born into a world that was much different than previous times – more tech, more leisure, more fun, more everything
 Advertising starts to use the tools of science and some tricks from psychology warfare
Rosser Reeves – a key figure in advertising
-    he work in New York on ads for TV
-    he told people who worked for him – “get in debt – buy everything you want or think is awesome – get so deeply in debt that you can bear it, and then work your guts out to pay it all back”
-    this was his recipe for success
-    who does this actually benefit?
-    This benefits everyone BUT you ad your family
-    This is what the companies want you to do
-    Brainwashing – people were being told “this” is what you want and people were believing it (this could have been anything)
-    Ads started selling lifestyle instead of a product – selling an idea (like we’ve discussed)
-    They started doing something tricky to your mind – messing with the human reward system (endorphin release)
-     Create a way of paying the reward system with something besides food, love, sex, etc
-    companies started giving us these reward buffsfor doing stuff that actually rewarded THEM – example buying stuff
-    How many people feel a surge of pleasure when they buy something?
-    How many people then feel let down when that is over?
-    Companies came up with a way of creating need in people – confusing WANTS with NEEDS
-    Fashion is a created need – style is a created need – we don’t need these things
-    Pants that are “in style’ are called that by the people that make the pants
-    They started to manipulate deep human needs that are inarguable – they take advantage of science and psychology and things like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – they hook their products and ads to those needs and we fall for it

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