Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18, 2010 - Intro Advertising

Oct. 18 - 2001

I'm Back!

Steps to Get Lobbed Up:

1. You NEED to send me an email with your name and blog URL and a pleasant greeting.

2. You should tell me a little bit about how you’ve been doing – your impressions – strengths, weaknesses, awesomenesses

3. Upcoming Projects:
a) Magazine Ad for an existing product
b) TV Ad Script for an original product
b)  Ad Analysis of an Effective Advertisement (your choice what kind)

How To Manipulate Your Audience

Manipulating an audience requires that you are thoughtful and analyse the people you want to manipulate

Knowing who they are can tell you what they want and then you can figure out how to do it.
It’s also good to know why.

Demographics (literally - people data)

-    information and data about people that allows us to categorize them
-    we can group people into categories by age, where they live, sex, race, religion, hobbies and interests, jobs, hair colour, personality, clothes, there a lot of ways we do it.
-    Advertisers HAVE to do it so they know how to target people
-    Backpack example – a backpack might have some different elements that make it more suitable to onegroup than another –
-    example? – teens might have an iPod holder or headphone cord hole, some play music, etc – a kids’ backpack might be smaller, have Dora on it, or a dinosaur, etc

We Can Find Some Categories and We can Identify Some “weaknesses’ of those groups:

Tweens and Early Teens –11/12 up to 15/16

1/- insecurity – low self-esteem and uncertainty about one’s own value and place in the world
- why is this a weakness that we advertisers can take advantage of?
- they will buy things that make them look cool and allow them to fit in
2/ - they want freedom and independence – they want to feel like they are their own boss
-    they will buy things that make them feel like they are separate from their parents – I’m a Rebel, Mom! – the clothes, the jewelry, the items that parents don’t necessarily agree with
3/ - they think that they already know everything – they trust too much in their own opinions
-    someone who thinks they already know doesn’t allow new info into their brains in a natural way – but, they can be tricked more easily into believing advertisers
-    these people are nervous about being wrong and looking foolish, so that can be manipulated

In Class Thing to Do:

Make a little Chart with a Partner – Boys und Girls

Early Teens
Find 3 specific ways for each that they can be manipulated
-    Sex Sells
-    Design for specific appeal
-    Famous person they would want to be

Middle-aged People – 39 – 64
-1/ - Make them Feel Younger
- sell them products and services that promise to “reverse aging” or “rejuvenate” and so on
- clothes, makeup, plastic surgery, hobbies, cars (for men), pleasure products of all sorts
2/ - Safety and Security –
-    sell them a feeling of security in their future and with their health
-    vitamins, insurance, certain foods, programmes, etc
3/ - Rewards and “earned luxuries”
-    this group feels like they’ve worked hard, now they deserve X and Y – vacations, cottages, boats, other luxuries (fashions, trips to Banff, etc)
-    restaurants, nightclubs, alcohol companies

Advertising is about selling an image, an idea, a lifestyle, a feeling, and maybe more often a SOLUTION to a problem we my not know that we have (that we, in fact, don’t even have)
Eg – can we fight age? Nope. No product will fight it.
Is there any product that will give confidence to a young teen? Nope. It’s all in the head.
That’s where advertising is. In the head.  

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