Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blockbuster Project - Jan 10, 2011

Blockbuster Movie Project Final Ass. – Due January 21, 2011
We have already gone over all this, now for the specifics:
How to do a movie poster –
A movie poster has these elements:
A dominant graphic – this is the image that is in the foreground, is larger than the other imagery and is the most obvious picture in the poster
-       it usually features an important character or object from the movie
-       you don’t have to draw it, you could use cut and paste, etc
Title – a large, clear, well designed title that catches attention and stands out from the rest of the poster
Pull quote – a quotation from a reviewer that generates excitement – eg – on The Watchmen poster it has “A Powerful Experience” and then a rating by Roger Ebert, a prominent critic
A tag line is a great addition – look at the Napoleon Dynamite poster -  “He’s out to prove he’s got nothing to prove.” It’s a cool line or funny line that captures some part or idea of the movie
We can also see a group of other photos on a poster kind of like a collage – this is another good idea to put in yours – a way of showing some scenes or moments from your movie – even though you don’t have one
Ratings and credits – having a few credits on there and maybe a rating is a good way to make your poster look more realistic –use em
Script Sample
-       you will need to write a brief (5 page) sample of your screenplay
-       it is NOT a typical format that you can just do in Word or Wordperfect – you need to do some mucking around with tabs and stuff

A chunky middle-aged man in a checked shirt stands at a keyboard work station (MR. LOBB, 45). He shouts at the people in desks before him.
These are his students and they do not wish to learn.
          Mr. Lobb! Can I leave?
Mr. Lobb cocks an eyebrow.
                          MR. LOBB
What? Are you kidding me? You haven’t done any work in this class!
Tina looks around at her classmates who are all grotesque and not paying attention.
          Nobody else is paying attention. 
                     MR. LOBB
Nobody else is going to write your exam for you either!
Shockingly, Mr. Lobb pulls out a knife and hurls himself at Tina, tearing out her liver and eating it raw.
The other students run out of the classroom, realizing that Mr. Lobb is not a human being. He is a werewolf, and this is not a comedy. He is a werewolf of the worst kind: the kind with knives.

So How Do We Actually Write a Few Pages of Script?
Tip 1 – write a scene that gives a character something to do – like a CONFLICT! – so an argument, a fight, a chase, a confrontation, an exciting moment is best
Tip 2 – Have more than one character, but not more than three – why? Complexity – juggling characters makes it harder.
Tip 3 – pick characters that are like YOU – or that you understand – this sample should be realistic and make sense – if you don’t understand yourself, then you are a typical person, especially one your age
Tip 4 – balance between ACTION and DIALOGUE and remember – every new action gets its own new line and every new place gets its own new INT/EXT line and every boy who owes me work will fail and become a sad man

After script sample comes a TREATMENT
This is where you tell me the story of your movie using that Blake Snyder pattern that we learned about in class at some length – those who were absent will NEED to check the website very carefully and maybe check www.blakesnyder.com and look under TOOLS in the top left toolbar
The type of treatment we are making is called a beat sheet.
We should know this.
What makes a LEVEL 4 character?
-    somebody that you might want to be like – or admire
-    somebody who has a lot to figure out
-    somebody who has a relatable quality
-    HAS TO HAVE PROBLEMS, specifically one big problem that affects his/her whole life
-    SO, design a character that has an awesome and interesting problem that needs to get solved in your movie
-    Start NOW
-    For this character, you need to tell me about:
-    Background
-    Description
-    Hobbies and Interests
-    Faves and Least Faves
-    Typical Behaviours
-    Likes and Dislikes
-    Mental state
-    Family and friend situation
-    Any key personality elements
-    Weirdnesses and strange elements
-    Biggest problem(s)
-    Greatest strengths

Each person in a group must have one of these characters

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