Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 1 - Course Description and Info

Welcome to EMS30 for 2011

Hello and welcome to this course.

It's a lot of fun, and there is some work to do, but it's not terribly difficult.

Before we begin, let's find out what the ministry says about this course:

Course Description

This course emphasizes knowledge and skills that enable students to understand media communication in the twenty-first century and to use media effectively and responsibly. Through analysing the forms and messages of a variety of media works and audience responses to them, and through creating their own media works, students develop critical thinking skills, aesthetic and ethical judgment, and skills in viewing, representing, listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

To that end, this is a typical assignment structure I would use in this course. Will I use this exact one this time? Probably. Will there be changes? Probably. 

Probable Assignment Structure
  • Newspapers – quiz, 2 summatives
  • Tabloids – 1 summative
  • Comic Books – 1 summative
  • Advertising – quiz, 2 summatives
  • Television – quiz, 2 summatives
  • Music – quiz, 1 summative
  • Movies – quiz, 2 summatives
Your mark will be made like this:
  • 10 summatives will be 70% of your total mark (no matter how many I assign) - so, you could be assigned 15 projects, and you can choose to do ONLY 10 of them at the bare minimum.
  • 10 formatives – these are to be handed in, but they aren’t marked they give me a checklist for your student skills, etc
  • 20% of your total mark will be from the final exam (and quiz marks will be included)
  • 10% for the final assessment on movies
Quizzes and the exam questions are made up by YOU - the students. You are assigned a series of question types (which I will explain), you use your notes to make up questions AND answers, and then I pick from them to make the quiz or exam. This should be good for you.

Does Mr. Lobb give out handouts of his notes? Yes, if you are ill, absent for something serious, if you have a Mr. Wilkie or other guidance or Spec Ed intervention or if you are failing.

Is it good to ask for handout notes because you sat there and talked or slept? No. But you already know that. 

Note Tips:
  • a) take notes
  • b) get a note buddy – you can trust
  • c) form a note group – photocopy from the group – I have done this and it works
Simple Classroom Rules:
  1. Do Not Text, or Use Your Phone - I will take your phone for the period if you cannot resist and give it back at the end.
  2. Please pay attention to me, I am a high needs baby.
  3. Please don’t use Mean Words to hurt others. Think of me as a lesbian, blind, black, wheelchair using, deaf, mute, Asian, developmentally delayed person who is easily offended.
  4. Further Note: 1/6th of the world is Chinese - you are a minority group.
  5. We have deadlines, but see #6.
  6. I will mark work that is late. It is bad to hand work in late makes your life MUCH harder.
  7. I give due dates by the “week of”.
  8. Think of it like a job. Work is necessary to be in on time.
  9. All work can be resubmitted for remarking at any time. Within reason. 
Next up, I will tell you about the first few projects in this course. 
    The First Few Projects

    1. Send Mr. Lobb a Gmail – Checked in (Formative) -
    • a) go to
    • b) make a Google account for yourself
    • c) get a gmail address
    • d) make a free blog – you can put all your written work on it, you can post links, post videos (Youtube), audio, etc
    2. Make a Blogger page for yourself (Formative)
    - this is me, who I am, picture of yourself if possible
    - trying embedding videos, audio or images into the blog - and if you can't try googling the answer as to how to do it. It's easy. Even I can do it.

    3. My Favourite Media (with explanations) (Summative)
    - tell me about your three favourite forms of media
    - ie music, movies, video games
    - point out the specific performers, movies, shows, games, etc that you like and give me some explanation as to why you like those
    - 500 words is good (aim for that)
    - if you run out of gas, then spend some time explaining some you DON’T like, with examples and why.

    This is a lot to take in at the start, but you are smart, and you can do it no problem.

    See you next time.

    Mr. Lobb

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